Developmental editing

Ideal for entrepreneurs, go-getters, thought leaders, and just plain busy people, developmental editing is an in-depth approach that involves reorganizing, expanding, and/or tightening content; strengthening transitions; and clarifying a central argument. Rather than giving you a revision road map to run with, we assess your book and review a plan with you, and then we get down to business by diving in and doing the heavy lifting we’ve discussed.

This approach includes several stages, with check-in points to make sure we’re on the same page along the way.

What we do:

• Consider your priorities and goals

• Analyze your book’s structure, argument, and audience

• Present you with a plan for revision

• Revise content based on the revision plan

• Give you multiple opportunities to offer feedback and make changes

• Deliver a redline-free text

Time frame: 1-4 weeks per stage

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